Reading 4 - chapter 7

This chapter was about the schematics of illustration that are part of the craft. The topics covered were symmetry, postive and negative space, borders, and cropping. The author discussed how he uses all of these elements to create a good illustration composition.

Symmetry: the symmetry of the illustration can be manipulated to convey different moods. If an image is symmetrical on both lines it will seem calm or ominous, but it will also be static. If an image is asymmetrical it will be in motion because the eye follows through the image.

Borders: the border of an image is sometimes as important as the image itself because it can change the mood of an illustration. The example in the book was the white Christian rap star. The illustration was originally composed without a border, but when the border was added it made it easier to focus on and made the illustration look like its bursting out and too big for the border. This went well with the concecpt, so he went a step further and added a loud agressive red to bring the illustration further out.

Cropping: the last thing that the author talked about in this chapter was the cropping of an image. He discussed how the cropping can mate the composition seem awkward or cramped. This can sometimes work for an image, but it needs to be thought through instead of just done.

The author then spent time talking about the flow of an image and how the previously stated elements will aid or deter from this. The cropping and line quality seemed especially important to the flow of an image. It’s important for illustrators to think about this to ensure that the illustration conveys the message in an interesting and dynamic way.

 The last thing that the author talked about was that illustrations that are on the covers of things will usually have text on them. He talked about how important it was to be aware fo the text and where it will go on the page so that you can work around it in your illustration.

One quote that I liked from this chapter was “but only by knowing the rules can you truely know how to subvert them.” I liked it because i fell like i often break rules that i don’t know are even rules, but now that I’m learning, i know how to use the rules to make my illustrations better.